Saturday, August 1, 2015

These 5 Cars That Manage to Change the Automotive World Order

Automotive World - These 5 Cars That Manage to Change the Automotive World Order - From the large number of variants of the car out in the market, certainly not all of them successfully attract the hearts of the people. Some of them also even be a quasi with designs that are not logged in and tend to be weird.

However, a few variants of the car thus successfully present on the market as a Prima Donna and change the order of the automotive world with new technologies that are different themes.

Curious with a row of cars that manage to change the order of the world automotive market thanks to the innovations that are different themes? The following reviews information, as reported by the Cheatsheet

1. 1983 Audi Quattro All-wheel drive system
In Europe with the release of the Audi Quattro sedan in 1983 that comes with the all wheel drive system, the first in four-wheeled vehicles.

Automotive World

Automotive World

After Quattro is present, then after that a lot of other manufacturers who are using similar technology in the car on their output on the market. So if you feel it is facilitated with all wheel drive system is, should you thank with Audi.

2. 1984 Lincoln Continental Mark VII: ABS
One of the safety features that must be owned by each of the current four-wheeled vehicles is the braking system anti-lock Brakes System (ABS). But did you know the first car that brings the creative feature?

Automotive World

The first mass production car comes with ABS creative it is a Lincoln Continental Mark VII which was released in 1984. Present as one of the luxury cars today, features ABS is now a mandatory feature in luxury cars which are present in the market.

3. Jeep Cherokee 3.1984 - Construction unibodi
Car variants into third one technology in the automotive world is the Jeep Cherokee that is circulating in the market in 1984.

Automotive World

This car comes with a breakthrough new construction unibodi where the chassis and also car frame attached. This could certainly reduce the cost of production significantly. No wonder the concept of unibodi is directly applied many manufacturers afterwards. However this concept is apparently not replicable, recorded this new unibodi construction used other manufacturers 10 years after the Cherokee came out in 1996 by the manufacturer Nissan.

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4. Isuzu Pickup 4.1993 - Fuel injection system
Isuzu Japan origin, the manufacturer is also not to be outdone by launching a brilliant innovation in automotive world epoch released the Isuzu Pickup in 1993.

Automotive World

Unmitigated, Isuzu directly applying a combustion system without the carburetor and replace it with the fuel injection system.

Certainly the current system of fuel injection is already the plural is used to suppress air pollution due to emissions laws, but Isuzu was the first to use this technology in the forefront of the automotive world.

5. 2001 Nissan Pathfinder off-road features
Original manufacturer's other Japan, Nissan, also contribute greatly in terms of innovation in the automotive world in particular the four wheels.

In 2001, Nissan managed to release a SUV Pathfinder Nissa variant comes with carrying features and advanced technology to conquer the off-road terrain.

Automotive World

In order to remain comfortable in use in all-terrain car, this one already brings technologies such as anti-lock brake tuning and also features an Adaptive traction control against the road surface. This technology is claimed to be the first brought mass-production cars by Nissan manufacturer before other manufacturers followed.
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